Data and insights have become a regular theme of Get There blog posts, because analytics are changing the face of marketing. The blog focused on data in February, but this month, we’re revisiting the topic to discuss research and your customers.
The staggering breadth of customer insights now available to marketers requires everyone to take stock of what’s available and decide which new approaches are right for their company. Unfortunately, this can be quite a challenge. While it’s daunting to constantly analyze data to inform and tweak marketing strategy, it’s absolutely critical to reaching full business potential.
Are you utilizing data and insights in a way that informs business growth? This month, we’ll help you figure it out by exploring how research has the power to influence your customer relationships.
Marketers are known for their ability to evolve with the landscape, but access to endless amounts of data has presented unprecedented challenges. This month, we’ll take a look at how market research has changed and what you can do about it.
In B2B marketing, the internet has changed the buying cycle. We’ll share how new access to data informs marketing approaches and how important buyer personas really are.
Web behavior analysis offers ways to get to know customers that were previously unexplored. Is your company using this information to its fullest advantage? Stay tuned to find out.
To optimize marketing campaigns, you must keep a constant eye on related data and tweak strategy according to customer engagement. Only by analyzing what customers do and why can you tailor your content and products to their needs.
Photo credit: JustGrimes via Flickr Creative Commons